{Picture from card deck Greenwood Tarot}
Medical Intuitive Reading begins:
Pictures starting at top of head. Seeing energy, sometimes thoughtforms...
Above head at crown chakra - open - a column of light extends upwards.
If you were to follow it up like an elevator - doorway to the planes of light.
Moving down back of neck - a lot of irritation left neck, where head meets neck
Irritation like a far-away headache, in your energy field but not quite pounding your head
It's a gall bladder point; your emotional value for positive regard for life..
And when you kinesthetically feel that someone has disregarded you in some way;
(when you feel that left neck) associate it with the gall bladder;
associate it with your value for positive regard and that will give you (helpful)
association with your emotional reactions to (such) dis-regard...
sublixation (slight misalignment) at the widow's hump center and above your shoulders
Earthy grounded individual - lower half of body is your strong male part and upper is gentle female nature
Well balanced spiritually and earth, male and female.. acupressure points inside soles of feet nerve ganglia just inside center of arch points get clogged; this is where your toxity in body builds. so put foot in lap and gentle thumb pressure in counter-clockwise direction (your stress points
Into uterus: it's almost as if you're blocked, psychically protecting it. Take deep breath; this is first clue: this is a place you feel invaded, you do have an energetic wall of protection;
"Medieval city under siege" (Corrina says) Yup says Caron (she can see)
Seem to have a physicality that precedes your spiritual growth; as if the energy of spirit pushes through you
this creation is an imbalance in the liver/kidney meridian
Light coming into top of head
in process fibroid has formed, fire heals it
the opening of that womb simply opens the chakras back up again
that solar plexus keeps feeling crushed
So assuming your acupuncturist is working along that meridian? (yes)
Corrina: 24 hours after getting diagnosis/prognosis, physician has said
"One thing I know for sure; you must go home and walk the physical land with your mother"
Caron concurs: That's exactly right; great schedule; go back to Scotland for completion/celebration
General fibroids info: may be too much estrogen. Stress produces estrogen. Stress is burden (mental component). The emotional component is your value for positive regard for life and where don't find it you cannot be. It is so precious to you, so tender to you, that even a harsh word would shatter the glass you're made of sometimes.
Looking at fibroid to see if there's anything deeper to understand
Corrina: Debra (physician) said red to green and Corrina has been relating to it as brown;
brown like sepia, queen Victoria's extended mourning
Connection to druidic/earthy has held you but now not enough;
Now long year of transformation by fire, not always easy, but exciting
But what comes will be only the deepest joy. And very happy.
Up to gall bladder: what is your diet?
Mum's visit, wheat allergy, sourced spelt crackers for her and I took a liking, now instead of breakfast. But as soon as we had a shift in consciousness about my womb I shifted heavy into green.
Ever done liver cleanse?
As healthy as your body is, gall bladder is the weakest and need to see what it correlates to…
Your picture is perfect: does have to heat up (use the element of fire to transform it)
If you went in for surgery, they would take out your uterus
Castor oil pack could produce the heat you need
Gall bladder: "I'm just a small organ in the process of how you digest and perceive your life
and this next year of your life has a theme for you and it's called empowered voice
the deepest voice that wields the sword of your inner balance.."
....Gall bladder having difficulty digesting your life at the moment
fibroid is symptomatic
Throat clear, mind clear
Two hot spots are tied into one another and that's pretty much it.
Anything comes to your heart/mind? Yes; the gigantic handwoven basket I first saw the day I was diagnosed with fibroid so big "100 out of 100 surgeons would say you need this removed immediately along with your womb) and then the ceremony on the cross-quarter/Imbolc(Feb 2nd).
Because of ranger (forbidding us to burn it on beach until we stripped it down to firepit size), I got to crawl right in before it was lit....
{Womb remains}